Saturday, May 8, 2010

the face

so far everything is back to square one.

i know what to do, but i would never do it, beacuse im lazy. im addicted to late eating and oily food.

i know my diet have everything to do with my skin now. i guess that is the bottom line, all these treatments, they would work but i needed to sort myself out.

which my very lazy self would do after my exams. i hope.

the face

so far everything is back to square one.

i know what to do, but i would never do it, beacuse im lazy. im addicted to late eating and oily food.

i know my diet have everything to do with my skin now. i guess that is the bottom line, all these treatments, they would work but i needed to sort myself out.

which my very lazy self would do after my exams. i hope.